Future Changes
Priority levels (P0, P1, P2) categorize tasks in software development and design by urgency and importance. P0 represents critical and urgent issues, P1 is for high-priority but non-critical tasks, and P2 covers important but non-urgent items.
P0 Priorities
- Disallow the modal from popping up (and trigger the validation errors) if any required forms are blank.「場所などが未記入の時にデータが消えてしまったのでこの辺りが保持されると良いかなぁ。」(from Maebe)
- Users can view a list of their own created events and delete them (from google calendar, but the database will maintain a record). Basically pull the record from the database using the created $eventID, mark as deleted in the database (don’t show in index), and remove from the google calendar. (DONE Jan. 19)
// you can also get the id after creating the event,
// then you can save it to database.
$event = new Event;
$newEvent = $event->save();
echo $newEvent->id; // display the event id
// and to delete an event
$event = Event::find($eventId);
- Mail received from info@ email is manageable in gmail (DONE Dec 23)
- Format the hyperlink text to the Event’s specified URL from “linkText” to user’s input. (DONE Dec. 27)
P1 Priorities
- Include a checkbox in the event creator to make a “quick event” without including the profile information
- Language switcher available before logging in (now only available to logged in users)
- Properly translate attribute names in form validation errors
- Change “dashboard” route name to “create-event”
P2 Priorities
- Observability in Laravel Applications (from Laura)
- Dynamic QR codes (and counter to see how many people have scanned the Google Calendar QR) (Currently paid subscription to qr-code-generator.com)
- Move hosted DB to GCS vm (currently aws via heroku jaws)
- Dockerize it (maybe run on my own server or gcs vm?)
- Make references/greetings to Config Vars (or something similar) so the project can seamlessly be ported to any town (at least in Japan).
More interesting stuff I learned, which I’ll publish more details later
Spinning/breathing leaf animation for confirmation screens
Removing Tailwind (but using Breeze)
Verification emails, but localized
Namecheap customer service for email settings
Applied UX theories
Testing and feedback